Assistive Technology
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Get ideas and strategies to promote play through better access to play materials. Learn how to use assistive technology to give the children this important access to toys and play. Most solutions focus on "low tech" assistive technology. The projects promote building on what the child can do, and how to create interactive play environments.
The web site has information on selecting toys for play, toys for children with disabilities, adapting toys to make them easier to use, locating specially designed toys as well as other resources to promote play.
Child and Family Studies Research Program
The Tots 'n Tech Research Institute (TnT) mission is to provide up-to-date information and resources about adaptations, including assistive technology, to use with infants and toddlers.
The TnT Helpdesk is designed to help parents easily find resources that may be useful. The best way to start is by thinking about the situations where you need help with assistive technology. Then you can click on one of the four functional areas:
• Communication & Socialization
• Getting Around
• Arms & Hands
• Problem Solving
Or, you can type keywords in the search function (e.g., help with storytime). If you are looking for printable picture resources, click on the picture webliography link.