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I Was Like You Once

by Evette M.

I was like you once...

If you see me in a store, and my BJ is melting down—so frustrated he can't speak, I will not blame your ignorance...

If you see my BJ streaking naked through a hall, wearing just his happy grimace—please don't call the police. I did not neglect him—I only turned to hug my Emily because she deserves hugs, too. But I understand your ignorance...

-For I was like you once.

You may see me crying into my steering wheel—for you this is odd, for me, a new normal. If you are going to laugh then please look away. I'll understand the ignorance.

-I was like you once.

If you see Emily and me running through my complex--curlers in my hair & chasing BJ who is lightning fast—please don't "tsk" and turn the other way. I won't take umbrage to the ignorance...

-I was like you once.

If you see us in your neighborhood—or in the mall, or at the playground—please don't cringe and run away...

Just hug your child fiercely. I hope you will never have to say, "I was like you.................... once.".